Kinesiology Can Help you with:-


Kinesiology can help with physical pain by the same mechanism above and with the added benefit of revealing and understanding the emotional and musculoskeletal and possibly biochemical (digestive, nervous or immune system dysfunction) component to pain.


Kinesiology can test what is standing in the way of living each day with abundant energy and vitality.
Could it be the foods you eat, or don’t eat, what foods are best for you?
Could it be draining, unhealthy relationships?
Could it be unresolved and healed trauma from the past?
Could it be self- worth and confidence issues?
Could it be inherited attitudes and beliefs that stand in your way?
Could it be that you don’t give your spiritual practice enough time and you don’t rest and recreate enough and so on…?
Often there are layers of stress and blockages to process and clear.

Poor Digestion:

Often there is a strong emotional component to digestive issues. Our gut “feels” all our upsets and stresses and gradually over time this can weaken and impair good digestion. We often eat the foods that stress our digestive system and hence our immune and nervous system but we can be addicted to them. Bread, dairy, alcohol and coffee are common culprits.


Kinesiology is a wonderful modality to clear stress. It is so specific about finding out what is causing the stress. There are many gentle and effective tools and techniques to help calm and relax the body/mind and energy pathways.


Many clients have upsets or challenges in their relationships with loved ones and work mates etc. This can be disempowering and very stressful. It is possible to trace the beginnings of negative emotional patterns and behaviuors to events in the past or even into inherited genetic tendencies. For example. A returned soldier in the family with undiagnosed and treated PTSD can affect the safety and cohesiveness of families, even into the next few generations.

Personal Goals:

Kinesiology is a wonderful modality to help clear the blockages that stand in the way of achieving our goals in life. It can effectively and gently help clear the pathway forward so that we can flow effortlessly into our future.

Kinesiology can help with so many aspects of the human condition and works in an integrated way with all components of the human experience, spiritual, emotional, mental, biochemical, genetic, environmental, musculoskeletal and physical body. All these aspects are connected through the innate mysterious wisdom and intelligence that weaves itself through all the of the body/mind experience.

As a kinesiologist, I am in awe of this fantastic organism of the body/mind and I love kinesiology because it works with all aspects of the human experience in such a respectful honouring way.